Thursday, November 10, 2011

Coleus List, Coleus Identification (Painted Nettle) Solenostemon Scu

Coleus Henna
Coleus Brilliancy or Saturn
Mixed Tray 6 pots - blaze would be my guess, along with Farm Mix
Here is the list of my coleus. I obtained many cuttings this fall, and believe me when I say, I maybe have 50 pots of them under a shop light, which I rigged suspended from the ceiling. If you want a small pot of coleus for a houseplant, contact me.  There is no way I can accommodate more coleus in my home without invading my kitchen. Plus, I got seedlings germinating in the basement tray. OPS!
Coleus Palisandra
Coleus Black Dragon 6 pots

Salmon Lace or  Blaze - 6 pots

 This variety is probably heirloom, you can found these colors in any coleus seed catalogs. If you think there are other names to this coleus, please let me know. I'd be happy to add the name.

 salmon Lace or Violet Tricolor Variety 
6 pots

A tray of Blaze, definitely needs repotting. 
These Blaze are propagated by re-using a plastic cover from a whole chicken BBQ. I have to pot them soon, roots are showing out in the transparent side.

  Probably, another batch of Blaze. A tray of sliced fruits - the empty plastic is used as cutting propagator.                       

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