October 21, 2013
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Mr. Frost, did you visit my garden?
I was so oblivious with weather lately, and the garden was neglected. The midterms ordeal was a perfect excuse.
Today, after my Earth Science Laboratory midterm, I have enough of academia and decided to come home and cook myself some pancit. I bought a bag of shrimp, Kenny loves it, so do I.
I came home and started on cooking. I usually add all the herbs and veggies from the backyard, so I decided to clip some. And oh my! The backyard is a sorry state, but my favorite mints are still kicking.
Coleus is totally browned - like any tropical plants.
I manage to bring in my "Berries and Cream Mint".
Isn't mint perennial in Zone 5?
Beats me, I like my berries and cream mint for winter. So, I rather have this inside, added to my many pots that I drag inside my house.
So, here are some pictures of my plants, evidence that Frost indeed visit. Or maybe not frost, just plain cold nights...
Basella alba |
coleus canina |
coleus blumei |
coleus "peter wonder" |
sweet potato "Ipomea batata" |
scarlet runner beans and tomato |
pot of herbs |
pots of herbs |
see the totally burned "browned coleus" in the middle
So, how is everyone's garden doing? Not as bad as mine?