Sunday, July 24, 2011

Backyard Garden: Squash, Eggplant, Carrots and Tomatoes

 Squash, Eggplant, Carrots and Tomatoes

My backyard vegetable garden is small about 8 feet and 2 feet wide. The squash I posted in early spring has grown huge, and it has fruits. And so did the eggplant, and the carrots were trying to live under the big leaves of the squash.

Here are the pictures captured this morning, I can say the veggie garden rocks this summer!

Butternut Squash occupying the whole 8 feet of my garden (see the yellow flowers under the leaves)

Lovely Yellow Squash Flowers

Small squash with the flowers still on. :) Exciting Times

Another baby squash, sitting by the childrens chair, ah, the run out of space to grow. 

The squash tag from the store, squash flowers in the background. 

Eggplant fruits, ah maybe I need to harvest these soon (touching the ground already)

And more eggplant flowers...

Another variety of my eggplant, sort of round-ish 

Kenneth's carrots, trying to survive under the shade of the squash. 

Tomato - (Roma) full of fruits, just beside the mammoth squash.

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