Monday, June 4, 2012

Planted today in Big Pots: Leeks, Lemon Grass, Lila Malanga, and Spinach Regal

June 4, 2012

It has been raining over the weekend, and it is still raining little bits here and there.

I put my Lemon grass( Cymbopogon citratus) on a flower vase, and it showed roots, so I end up potting her up. It was expensive, like $2.99 for 3 pcs of Lemon grass. In the Philippines where I grew up, we call it tanglad. I never paid attention to this herb, it grows everywhere. We have lots on our farm edges and also in our school garden. I think some of it just grew near  my kitchen for easy access.
We use this lemon grass to flavor chicken soup, blood pudding, and many vegetarian dish. It also smell very nice on rice.
Wikipedia image of a Lemon Gass

Another root crop that I propagated in spring inside in a bucket is Lila Malanga (Xanthosa violaceum). It is very common in the tropical section of  Produce Depot. I cannot be sure if this is the same as gabi in the Philippines, but the leaves look like one the picture. I am pretty sure that the Colocasia esculenta var esculentum (eddo) is gabi because it is roundish. Nevertheless, these root crops are common ingredients for benignit(asian porridge), which  I keep cooking for my kids. I planted about 3 big pots, and hoping this one will survive through growing season.

Wikipedia image of a Lila Malanga

I put the left over root-stem portion of Leek(Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum ) that I did not use for cooking. Surprisingly, it send shoots and roots, so I believe Leeks can be propagated by using leftover roots and stems.

Wikipedia photo of a Leek

Spinach Regal -a 30 day crop was also planted on the edges of the big pot to maximize space.

My own pictures will be added soon as the plants start to show progress in the season.

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